Les Archives d'Anubis
A personal blog about roleplaying games and a few other topics that I fancy (French)

"The Anubis Archives" is a personal blog I've been keeping since 2009. There I mostly talk about gaming, but this platform also serves as a test for some concepts that I would like to apply to other projects.
Initially powered by WordPress, the blog migrated to Ghost in 2015 because the Jetpack plugins from Automattic (the company behind WordPress) tended to deport too many features externally, while siphoning data from the site's users in the process. In the same vein, the analysis of the blog traffic was entrusted to Matomo (ex-Piwik) rather than Google Analytics, to guarantee the anonymity of my readers.
The evolution of the blog's graphic theme has been guided by the results of the analyses conducted on Matomo. For example, the choice to adopt lines of 50 to 60 characters, with double line spacing, was motivated both by the reading of the academic recommendations and by the increase of the reading rate detected by my web analytics system (configured for this purpose : Matomo records a "conversion" as soon as a reader reaches the bottom of an article after having spent the average time required to finish reading it). This example is a good illustration of a rational and reasoned use of web analytics.
Among the nice dev prowess, the blog has a "real" CSS parallax (no JavaScript, the shots are "real" 3d and use your computer's GPU), uses Intersection Observers (to check when to show or hide the menu, without too much impact on performance) and exploits the APIs of an external service for a lot of comments (almost nonexistent at the moment, unfortunately).