FairElection - Simulation of Federal Elections 2019
A visual simulation of alternative election methods for Swiss National Council.

This project aims to explore alternative methods of election in Switzerland. The main idea is to ensure a better repartition of elected candidates across various critera, including gender, location, or age. My participation to this project rolls back to 2019, when it was meant to be a simple demonstration of how such repartition would impact the official results of the 2019 elections. The product owners went on with the idea, eventually building FairElection, a web app that would allow users to create alternative methods of elections on the fly.
As usual, I went with Nuxt.js and Vue.js for this project. The aim was to build a simple, single page website that could be deployed on any web server without the need of a backend. nuxt generate
was absolutely amazing to this end, taking care of that tedious process, so that I could focus on data handling and visualization. My job was split in two parts: first, creating the initial draft of the project and second, adapting it to the visual standard of FairElection.